What have you missed? Eh not sure but maybe if you keep reading you will see haha. I know I'm mean, deal with it you awesome person :D!
I finally got the other side of my lip pierced ya know, angel bites, and then I got my bellybutton/naval re-done. The bellybutton hurt worse than my lip one, weird huh? Well, they look pretty darn sweettttt :D!
I've been at Angels for a week or two or three, haha, just haven't felt like going home. Eh. I miss Sarah and everything but it just gets sad/boring/depressing there and with my Dad acting like a butt and won't do anything for me(school wise) I don't see the point in staying there alot, mean I know but I mean c'mon! I seriously should have already had my G.E.D. by now and it is just ridiculous >.>. I'm just waiting for him to text me or call saying that he misses me but I doubt that will happen haha. I'm a sucky person afterall. ANYHOW, enough of that haha.
Sarah's birthday was yesterday! I wasn't there but still wished her a happy birthday. I know her birthday wasn't the best seeing as she had chemo that day, bummer eh? Overall though, from how she said her day was though seemed pretty good to me which is great because she deserves a great birthday even when she isn't feeling well. I love and miss you Sarah (: <3.
Babysitting! I have been doing that alot, or well been trying too! I gets money and get to hangout with Addison so it's pretty rad :D. I get to see Nina too so which is super duper awesome cause I love her sooo much :D <3.
Ima go but sorry for a short update, I will really try to post a new entry soon. Love you guys<3.
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