Hmm. Birthday is soon! April 7th! Hopefully it will be fun but I have my doubts actually :/. Why do I have doubts? I just do. It'll probably be a regular day with things in it, who knows. I don't really want anything, well not that i can really think of. I want angel bites and my naval (use to have) pierced. That is about all I can think of.
Oh! While I have been away I finished another anime, Chobits, haha it was cute and good:3
If you watch it or have you might not like how they turned Chii on rofl xD.
These days, you will find me on Gaia, yes Gaia! It is so awesome, and I love it. Haha Check it out!
Well, Ima go I'll try to write soon!Love you guys<3.
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